<Input> is a React component which is primarily a convenience wrapper for <input>. Using it is not required for <Form> - you can mix and match regular <input> fields inside a form and they will still be submitted.
Form example[edit | edit source]
import Form from 'UI/Form';
import Input from 'UI/Input';
<Form action="user" submitLabel="Create a user" successMessage="User created!" failureMessage="Unable to create a user now">
<Input type="text" name="email" label="Email Address" validate={["Required"]} />
<Input type="password" name="password" label="Email Address" />
Props[edit | edit source]
This is the main available props for the <Input> react component.
Name | About | Required? | Default value |
validate | It's an array of validators. See the section about validation below. | No | none |
Validation[edit | edit source]
The validate prop can be used to provide an array of validators. Each one is either a string or a function. If you provide a string, it will be treated as the name of a module under UI/Functions/Validation. Let's take the example above:
<Input type="text" name="email" label="Email Address" validate={["Required"]} />
This string validator, "Required", will be a function imported from UI/Functions/Validation/Required.
The validator functions themselves are relatively simple - they are given the input fields value as their input, and do nothing if the input was valid. Otherwise, they return an error with a visual version as well as a textual error code. Here is the source of Required itself:
export default value => {
if(!value || (value.trim && value.trim() == '')){
return {
error: 'EMPTY',
ui: <Text>
{`This field is required`}